Comme d'habitude quand je voyage, on trouve des nouvelles de mon cours de langue à Montpellier sur mon blog. Cette fois, j'essaie de l'écrire en français.

Sonntag, August 12, 2007

Life @ school

Two more week in Nairobi have passed and it’s time to publish some more news. I will write two blog entries at the same time, for right now I have much better Internet facilities, due to a guesthouse change and access to one of the office with free Internet! (Thanks to my Spanish friend Carolina!).

In this entry, I’ll inform you about life @ the Gentiana Primary school, and in the next one about how I use my spare time.

My main job given by my always busy chief Peter Baumgartner at the school…

…firstly is to observe the used teaching methods in classes and secondly to improve the used and introduce new ones that are useful.

Therefore I also prepare lessons for the teachers, e.g. here in the staff room. On the next picture you can see some of the teachers concentrating on their article in order to exchange the new information in a “jigsaw/group puzzle”. And trust me, teaching teachers in a foreign country is quite challenging, but would it not be boring if it were too easy? ;)

Well, after observing or teaching, everyone has earned a short break for lunch. Close to the school, there is a “cosy” place where we usually go to fill our stomachs. ;) Of course it is necessary to clean your hands before, for who the hell needs fork and knife to eat?! =)

The food is ok, but quite boring. Everyday it is either rice or Ugali (cooked flaw). But one gets used to it and it is still much better than the food of the goats below! ;)

Actually, one should not make jokes about a picture like this, but somehow you cannot always be sad about the unbelievable poverty you see in the slums. Some of the other volunteer workers at the guesthouse are already quite depressed, but with a certain amount of humour and good people around me during work and spare time (as you’ll see in the next entry), I try to keep my positive mood steady.

4 Kommentare:

Blogger Jasmin meinte...

Liebä Marco!

Mer send ändlich einisch of Diin Blog cho! Mer sind erschlagä! Diini ehrlich, härzlich und umfangriich Beschriibig ond Schilderig vo Diinä Erläbnis beiidruckt üs! Mer findid Dech eifach genial!

Dor Dech erfahrid mer echli meh öber diä kenianisch Kultur, was üs unglaublich beriichered!

Bald schriibid mer echli meh, doch jetzt müemmer is Bett! Morn hemmer wieder Schaffä aagseit!

Mer hend Dech riisig gärn ond dänkid emmer a Dech!

Jonas & Jasmin

PS: Mer hend d'Büecher of Bärn gno & de Joni hed sii fiin süberlich iigruumed. Er hed jedi Sekundä en riisigi Freud a ehnä!

8:45 PM

Anonymous Anonym meinte...

Liebe Marcöli

Unglaublich, was du alles erläbsch.
Ich bi so richtig baff. Du bisch eifach super.

Heb dier sorg und gnüss dini Safari i guet 2 Wuche.

Mier freued üs uf dini Rückkehr. Und natürlich au uf dini Iidrückliche Gschichte und Bilder.

En festi Umarmig und mier hend dich gärn.

Dani und Andrea

12:45 PM

Anonymous Anonym meinte...

Hallo Marco

Gott sei Dank, haben deine Texte auch Bilder. So schaffe ich es wenigstens, zu verstehen, was du schreibst!
Mir geht es gut. Gestern hatten wir die Beerdigung vom Grosi - ein eindrückliches Erlebnis, heute hat Jeanine und Reto geheiratet. Am Donnerstag wurde Markus Hofmann (Mänz) als neuer Präsident der FMW gewählt.

Liebe Grüsse


5:58 PM

Anonymous Anonym meinte...


das Wandern ist des Röllis Lust... jetzt weiss ich auch, dass du zwischen den vielen Reisen und dem Miliärdienstleisten nur wenig Zeit findest, den LKKL-LN zu schreiben!

aber so what...

komm gesund wieder nach Hause



8:17 AM


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