Life outside school
As mentioned in entry “life @ school”, I fortunately also have some spare time to fill. This is not difficult at all. First of all, I have my friends at the guesthouse and from time to time we go to the cinema together, play chess, exchange experiences of different projects or enjoy a nice meal, e.g. in a lovely Italian restaurant in order to celebrate the Birthday of “Eddy the guard” from Rwanda.
Secondly, I have also become good friends with some of the teachers. Every week, they show me new places or invite me to their homes to introduce me to their families.
Here for example at teacher Aida’s place, a very good friend who is very honest and reliable and also a good cook! ;)
Furthermore, there is Philip again, I have already mentioned him in the first blog entry. He not only introduced me to his whole family…
(look at his cousin's smile!!!)
(Playing Scrabble at
…but also organized an invitation to his cousin’s wedding. It was a very strange experience, for I did not know anyone, was the only white of around 300 guests and the mass lasted over 2,5 hours! They were dancing, singing, but also white-washing the brains by repeating sentences of the bible over and over.
Religion in
And people go to these churches at least every Sunday, pay their fees although they would need the money for food or school fees, but at least there they get some hope for a better life after death and are members of a little society. I could continue writing about this topic for hours, but don’t want to annoy you. Just let me show a picture of one of these churches.
Well, let’s change the topic and move to tourist attractions to rise my and your mood. ;) I am planning to go to a Safari in about two weeks, but to prepare myself as good as possible, I’ve already visited the
…and many interesting animals like this enormous Rhino…
…or that LAZY female lion which has adapted the Kenyan lifestyle better than me.

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